Sabado, Enero 21, 2012

The Powerful Camera

Each pixel in the image has a numerical value of between 0 and 255 and is made up of three color channels.
No. Each pixel has is defined by three numerical values between 0 and 255. Not to mention that later you go on to explain that these values can be also 10-bit, 12-bit, 16-bit, etc. and so are not necessarily in the 0-255 range.
I would also drop the whole discussion of interline transfers. This is unneeded and waaaay to technical for an article on camera basics.
In the discussion of sensor size I would mention that the smaller the sensor, the sooner the diffraction limit bites you. IIRC for Canon D60 and 10D the system becomes diffraction-limited after f11 or f13. For smaller digicam sensors it’s much sooner. Small sensors run into problems with lens diffraction, which limits image resolution at small apertures-- starting around f/16 for the 35mm format. At large apertures-- f/4 and above-- resolution is limited by aberrations. There is a resolution ’sweet spot’ between the two limits, typically between f/5.6 and f/11 for good 35mm lenses. The aperture at which a lens becomes diffraction-limited is proportional to the format size: 22 mm diagonal sensors become diffraction-limited at f/8 and 11 mm diagonal sensors become diffraction-limited at f/4-- the same aperture where it becomes aberration-limited.

Try this camera

Biyernes, Enero 13, 2012

Visual Designs

Visual Designs has been building top-quality custom websites since 1997. As the technology of the Web has expanded, Visual Designs has kept pace with the new technology in order to present for our clients sites which are elegant in design, technologically sophisticated, easy to navigate and, most importantly, fast loading so that the presentation of information is immediate. Whether your goal is to sell your products online or to simply promote your goods and/or services on the Web, we make sure that there is a seamless continuity between your collateral materials and your website. There’s no reason why the look and feel of your site can’t be as impressive as your print media.
Of course, an astounding website is of little value if no one can find it. We at Visual Designs take the steps necessary to ensure that a potential customer/client looking for what your business provides can easily find you by using the search engines. We are expert at optimizing your site for ’findability’ on the Web.
Visual Designs also creates personal websites to announce memorable occasions; engagements, weddings, the arrival of a new baby, or a special anniversary.

Try this Visual Designs NOW!

Huwebes, Enero 5, 2012

Effective Web Cam Server Suite 1

click here to see the web camHistorical perspective of CAM. CNC milling machines have of course been developed based on conventional milling machines, where the tool is moved through the material by operating a hand wheel for each of the available axes (X, Y, Z, ...). The basis of adding NC (Numerical Control) is very simple: replace the hand wheel by a positioning motor and add some electronics (the NC controller) to control the position. Nowadays many conversion kits are available to perform such operation. The first NC controllers were very simple: no user-interface, just an option to read the toolpositions to go to from a punched 2. The position of CAM Software in the process. In order to manufacture a part, nowadays typically three different software programs are used (see the illustration above):- First the CAD software to make the design of the part - Next de CAM software to calculate the toolpaths based on the design, compensating for the cutter’s geometry, adding feedrate and spindle commands, etc- Third the control software to read the toolpaths and let the machine actually move along these paths. This subdivision of tasks by three different programs is the same for both 2D and 3D applications. The Control software comes with the milling machine, while in contrast the CAD and the CAM software have to be bought separately. In case an NC controller with built in special purpose computer is used, the Control software is integrated. In case of a PC the Control software has2 to be installed, still it ’belongs’ to the machine as the machine cannot function without the Control software. Do note that many lowcost CNC machines are delivered with MS Dos based Control software, as the realtime control needed for machining is difficult to program under Windows. Communication between the three programs is done using files. From CAD to CAM the design is transferred using a file format for geometry data exchange. For instance file types like IGES, STL and STEP for 3D, DXF for both 2D and 3D, and Postscript and HPGL for 2D applications. These are standard formats that in most (!) cases can be used without any special configuring needed. Much more can be said about these file types. Perhaps an idea for a next article of the month I won’t add any explanations here. Communication from CAD to Control software is done using NC program files, for which many formats do exist. In most cases the format will be a (minor) variation on the ISO / DIN G-code format. 3. Types of CAM software. Many different CAM software packages are available, showing large differences in price. It is a very difficult job to get a clear view about each system’s capabilities and it’s price/performance ratio. The CAM software comparison table on this website is a great help, still only doing some real-life testing gives good evaluation information. To give some guidelines for choosing, two basic categorizations can be made.

click here to see the web cam